Friday, October 26, 2018

Tanza Erlambang book: Fighting Belly Fat

Book cover

Belly fat or overweight may lead to many diseases include diabetes, aging of skin and cellular, heart diseases, reduce rate of body metabolism, high blood pressure, and even depression. 

Routine exercise such as walking, and jogging is well known to maintain body weight. Some other methods are less known to reduce belly fat. Some activities that could reduce body weight are laughing, consume micro and macro nutrients regularly, and consume certain foods.

The book of FIGHTING BELLY FAT contains 24 articles which discuss wide range topics relate to body weight from the dangerous of overweight, cause and how to control it. 

You may read or order this book through amazon website:  FIGHTING BELLY FAT 


  1. Wow, nulis buku ya? hebat juga euy... bahasa Inggris lagi, musti sekalian beli kamusnya nih kalo pengen baca buku ini..

    1. sains box bisa juga kalau mau.
      appresiasi atas kunjungan di:
      Tanza Erlambang book: Fighting Belly Fat
      Book cover

  2. semoga bukunya menjadi buku yg berguna dan bermanfaat.

    1. semoga….aamiin
      appresiasi atas kunjungan di:
      Tanza Erlambang book: Fighting Belly Fat
      Belly fat or overweight may lead to many diseases include diabetes, aging of skin and cellular, heart diseases, reduce rate of body metabolism, high blood pressure, and even depression.

  3. Tanza Erlambang book: Fighting Belly Fat

    Routine exercise such as walking, and jogging is well known to maintain body weight.

  4. Tanza Erlambang book: Fighting Belly Fat

    Some other methods are less known to reduce belly fat.


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