Thursday, June 7, 2018

Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

Flexibility and Efficiency (

A new design network protocol should be flexible in principle. However, there are many issues should be address in setting up a network, some of them are Error Control and Flow Control. We will discuss these two issues in this article.

Data are transmitted from sender to receiver, the transferring of data involves many steps and levels. This process (transferring process) will cause errors at each step and level. Hence, to ensure that transferring data is success, we need to detect and correct the error. We call the process as “Error Control” process.

Two terms in error control process are error detection and then doing correction. This process will make digital data could be delivered through channels that might be unreliable. The unreliable channels occur when there is “noise’ causes interruptions (errors) during transmissions. Term of error detection will detect such interruption, then correct the errors (errors correction).  

We know that there is medium between sender and receiver in network communications, then the problem could be happened if there is different rate between sender and receiver. The rate could be higher from sender, but lower in receiver. The problem could be solved by introducing “Flow Control.”

The flow control is set up in the data link layers or higher layers. The traffic flow must be controlled no more than fair capacity. In this situation, flow control function as  akin of buffer, thus the result will produce efficiency in the communication networks.

Finally, we should take care many issues in setting up a new network. The successful to run a new network will depend on solving these issues.


  1. Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

  2. Flexibility, in a New Design Network Protocol

  3. Flexibility, in, a New Design Network Protocol

  4. Flexibility, in, a, New Design Network Protocol

  5. Flexibility, in, a, New, Design Network Protocol

  6. Flexibility, in, a, New, Design, Network Protocol

  7. Flexibility, in, a, New, Design, Network, Protocol

  8. Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

  9. Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

    Flexibility and Efficiency (

  10. Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

    A new design network protocol should be flexible in principle.

  11. Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

    However, there are many issues should be address in setting up a network, some of them are Error Control and Flow Control.

  12. Flexibility in a New Design Network Protocol

    We will discuss these two issues in this article.


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