Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lowongan Kerja Untuk Pendatang Baru Di Amerika

Lowongan kerja untuk semi-skill

Di mana mana, apalagi di negara asing, pendatang baru selalu menghadapi kesulitan “komunikasi” dalam makna luas: apakah bahasa, interaksi, kebiasaan dan budaya. Hal ini menjadi salah satu penghalang untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. 

Secara garis besar, ada 3 kategori pekerjaan di Amerika:
1.Tenaga ahli untuk yang bergelar doktor (S3)
2.Tenaga skill untuk yang bergelar sarjana dan master (S1 dan S2)
3.Buruh dan semi-skill

Banyak sarjana (S1), bahkan master (S2) saat pertama datang hanya menjadi buruh, tak jarang ada juga yang menjadi buruh pelabuhan, ya, angkat angkat barang. 

Seiring waktu, kemampuan “komunikasi” meningkat, biasanya yang S1 dan S2 ini ngambil kursus kursus keahlian seperti kursus chef, maka kemudian mereka menjadi “chef cook” di hotel hotel berbintang, kapal pesiar dan restoran. 

Atau mengambil ujian penyataraan dan sertifikasi bidangnya masing masing: akuntan, IT, tehnik, arsitektur, dokter gigi dan sebagainya. 

Selain buruh, ada juga kerjaan semi-skill seperti menjadi inspeksi kualitas barang, kasir, tukang perbaiki AC, tukang potong rambut, ngasuh anak dan guru Bahasa Inggris untuk anak anak imigran. Foto di atas adalah lowongan kerja untuk semi-skill.

Lowongan kerja untuk kasir yang bisa multi-Bahasa 

Gaji terendah adalah US$ 9 per-jam atau US$ 72 perhari, sebulannya bisalah dapat US$ 1.500. Semakin punya skill, semakin tinggi pula gaji. Bisa saja mencapai sekitar US$10 ribu (Rp 140 juta) sebulannya. 

Biaya hidup tergantung masing masing. Hanya sebagai gambaran, sewa kamar US$ 400. Biaya makan, kalau masak sendiri tak begitu mahal, karena harga kebutuhan pokok seperti beras, ayam, telur, sayuran lebih murah di Amerika.  

Yang mahal kalau bahannya diimpor dari Asia seperti buah buahan, telur asin, bilis, belacan dan barang impor lainnya.    

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Burning Mosquito Repelling Coils in the Summer

4 coils for US$ 0.88 

Not like in the USA, houses in developing countries (Asia, South East Asia, Africa) have ventilations to make possible for mosquitos to enter at night. One way to repel mosquitos is by burning the coil. 

Burning coil indoor is effective to repel mosquitos, but had dire consequences, could cause health risks. Sure, it is not good for health, because smokes of one coil is equal to around 100 cigarettes. Long term exposure to coils smoke is suspected to cause to lung diseases, hence should be avoided. 

There are two types of coils, first, the coil contains insecticide to kill or to knock down mosquitos, and the second type which is commonly sold in the market that coil to repel mosquitos. This coil contains substance called as citronella (one of aromatic substances).

A small box contains mosquito’s coils sold in the market 

In the summer, a lot of mosquitos and insects in the south states (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida) of USA. Since houses have no ventilations, and if we open windows, a mesh screen will prevent mosquitos entering houses. Hence no sense to burn coil indoor. 

However, a lot of activities outdoors during hot temperature. Reading while drinking a cup of tea or coffee outside could be disturbed by mosquitos or insects flying around. Burning mosquito coil could be helpful. Just attach coil in the small metal base (sold together with coils), then burn it. Coil’s smoke reaches to 3 m for around 6 hours, thus, convenient enough to finish an afternoon drink.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Drink with Market Sales of US$2 billion

Frappuccino for hot weather 

Frappuccino is originally from the French word frappe where people in Boston, Massachusetts used to milkshake of ice cream, cappuccino and an espresso coffee. Drink then developed and to be trademarked by a coffee shop in Eastern Massachusetts. 

Starbuck bought the right from the Eastern Massachusetts’s coffee shop to make and marketize the Frappuccino drink in 1994. Frappuccino with new tastes is created and developed year by year. Frappuccino sales is over US$ 2 billion annually until recently. 

Medium size of Frappuccino cost US$ 4.55 and small size is US$ 3.5 at the Starbuck coffee shop, luckily buy one get one free during happy hours (2.00 PM to 6.00 PM) in promotion months, usually June to July every year. 

But, be caution for who have diabetes diseases, since 300 calories, very high could swing the blood sugar. Thus, please asking a waitress for sugar free or low sugar content of your Frappuccino. 

Just try it !!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Which Team Will France Meet in the 2018 World Cup Final?

Croatia Vs England ( 

We just watched the match between France and Belgium, the result was France come out as the winner, and enter FIFA World Cup 2018 final. The question is: which team will be next finalist? Either England or Croatia? 

By tomorrow (July 11, 2018) at 2.00 PM (Eastern Time of America), we will watch Croatia Vs England. 

Both coaches, England (Gareth Southgate) and Croatia (Zlatko Dali) did not expect their teams will reach semifinal. In pre-qualification, England just at second position, while Croatia got qualification after won over Greece by a play-off match. 

In Russia 2018, England not so impressive, the team was beaten by Belgium 0-1 in the group matched. Croatia won by penalties against Russia and Denmark at the last two games  

However, Harry Kane, England captain is top scorer with 6 goals so far and estimated to add at least a goal against Croatia. Young captain with 24-year-old age is so energic. On other side, Luka Modrić, Croatia captain is 32 years old, not so young anymore, but play crucial role to drive the team reach current position as one of semifinalists. 

Based on the survey conducted by Fox Sports, England has 41% probability to win the game, whereas Croatia 28% chance only. 31% was predicted that match will be draw.  

Friday, July 6, 2018

Uplink and Downlink Transmission in Satellite Communication

Uplink and Downlink Transmission (  

Two ways of transmissions in satellite communications are Uplink and Downlink. We call a downlink if communication from a satellite down to ground receivers or stations. Contrary, we call an uplink if communication is going from ground receivers up to a satellite. 

Commercially, many companies provided both downlink and uplink services. But, several companies either sell uplink or downlink only. Corporations such as telephone companies, wireless networks, television stations and other relate communication corporations buy uplink and downlink services to serve their customers.  

Rouse (2007) gave three examples of commonly frequency bands in satellite links, they are Ku, Ka and C bands. Please see the Table below:
Frequency Band
3,700-4,200 MHz
5,925-6,425 MHz
11.7-12.2 GHz
14.0-14.5 GHz
17.7-21.2 GHz
27.5-31.0 GHz
From the Table, we could examine that uplink frequency is higher than downlink one. Several reasons why this happen are following:
1.Stations on the earth have greater power, thus able to send higher frequencies to satellites (uplink)
2.Higher frequency signals could eliminate ionized particles at Ionosphere, thus higher frequencies of uplinks more effective than lower ones to reach satellite from ground stations.
3.Since satellites have lower power, because using of solar panels, thus lower frequencies is effective from Satellites to ground stations (downlink). 
In conclusion, each of Uplinks and Downlinks has own effectives in communications. Downlink with lower frequency is more precious than using higher frequency, on the contrary, Uplink is advantage to use higher frequencies. 

Rouse, M. (2007, May).” downlink and uplink.” Retrieved from

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Technique for Checking the Burst Error

A cyclic redundancy check (

W. Wesley Peterson created a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) in 1961 (Revolvy, 2018). Then, Peterson had published his works that related to CRC in 1975 and won Japan Prize in 1999. CRC is one of well-known technique for checking the burst error in communication. It is popular because CRC is a simple method to be implemented in binary hardware and a good technique to detect errors caused by noise in the channels during communication.  

As described by Sang (2015) that by using CDC, check bits could be attached with sending messages, then receiver could agree or not with data sending or determine whether data have error or not or data have been corrupted or not. If the receiver found error in transmission, then receiver would ask the sender to re-send the messages. In addition to digital networks, CDC can also be applied in storage devices. 

Both sender and receiver apply the same a 16- or 32-bit polynomial for transmission and appending data (Rouse, 2010). Data will be sent and received successfully, if both sender and receiver reach agreement, if not, the receiver will ask sender to send the data again, and again until accomplish the goal of transmission. 

Now, if there is question “why the CRC is put in the trailer rather than in the header of the frame?” The answer is that by being put in the trailer, the computation of CRC is less expensive when the bits of packet arrive. Another advantage that hardware could determine whether the CRC is correct or not, so transmission could be faster and without delaying.  

Revolvy. 2018. W. Wesley Peterson. Retrieved from 

Rouse, M. 2010. cyclic redundancy checking. Retrieved from 

Sang, SJ. 2015. Design and implementation of cyclic redundancy check in algorithm. Part of publication in  Computing, Control, Information and Education Engineering. Taylor and Francis group, London. Pp.405-409

What Things Will Disappear from Public?

Smart key, credit to There are many things that familiar with our life in a decade or so will disappear soon. The timing o...